Prior to the Second Vatican Council, lay persons were seen primarily as the recipients of priestly ministry. Vatican II changed that perception.
The documents of the Council reminded us that all the baptized are one body, the Body of Christ. Through baptism, by the power of the Holy Spirit, all of us share in the threefold mission of Christ as prophet, priest and servant of the Kingdom of God. Ordained and lay persons alike share in the priesthood of Christ, each in our own way. Our roles are distinct, but dependent one upon the other.
Lay persons are “called and gifted.” Your call is primarily to evangelize, to witness with our lives the good news of Christ.
To become a certified catechist, in accordance with the California Catholic Conference guidelines, candidates must complete the Introduction to Theology for Ministry and the Specialized Catechist Training.
The Catechist Specialization emphasizes creative approaches, practical ideas, hands-on activities and implementation of the Six Tasks of Catechesis called for in the General Directory for Catechesis and the National Directory for Catechesis.
Contact your local Parish Religious Education or Faith Formation Director to express your interest in becoming a catechist.
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The catechist specialization is a thirty-hour program desinged to provide parish catechists with proper methodology and skills for effective teaching.