"Be prepared to make a defense of the faith and to account for the hope that is in you."
-1 Peter 3:15
To be pastorally effective, intellectual formation is to be integrated with a spirituality marked by a personal experience of God. In this way a purely abstract approach to knowledge is overcome in favor of that intelligence of heart which knows how 'to look beyond,' and then is in a position to communicate the mystery of God to the people (Synod, 1990, para. 39).
Reason, when open to the mystery of God and directed to Him, allows a solid acceptance of Revelation, seeks a deeper understanding of its contents, and offers instrument and language for its proclamation to the world (Congregation, 2016, para. 116).
Mission Statement
As the priest seeks to listen more “profoundly to the Word, and also to the ecclesial community, in order to learn how to read the signs of the times” the Office of Intellectual Formation will provide service and support under the following rubrics… (Congregation 117)