Fr. John Ngo • St. Patrick’s Seminary & University, Menlo Park
“My vocation to the priesthood can be described in two words: listening and responding. Listening to God’s call means that I need to respond to God faithfully.”
However, when he received news about the unexpected death of his grandmother caused by a drunk driver, John’s world was turned upside down. John’s grandmother was his main influence to build his faith.
“Since my grandmother passed away, my life and my thoughts have changed totally and completely. Instead of complaining and being upset, I went to church frequently trying to pray and understand why God took away my loved one.
“The death of my grandmother helped me understand that our lives are so short-lived and temporary. The most important thing is the eternal life with God in heaven.”
Former seminarian John Ngo studied at St. Patrick Seminary & University, Menlo Park was ordained to the priesthood on May 20, 2017.
Catechist Judith Ann Crary • St. Anne’s Church, Lodi
“I love being a catechist because the basics of our faith, the foundations of everyone’s faith, are given to the church of our future.”
“I see in each of the children the future Body of Christ. They are the continuation of his promises. They are the Catholic church of the future. If I can be, even just, a small part in how they come to know him and learn to love him I feel very blessed.”
Catechist Armando Moreno • Cathedral of Annunciation
Catechist Armando Moreno
Armando Moreno, a parishioner from Cathedral of the Annunciation, shares his story of how the Diocese of Stockton’s Deacon Formation Program has impacted his life: “The past four years my wife, Lori and I have answered the call, from the Holy Spirit, to journey on the path, God willing, to become an ordained Deacon in the Diocese of Stockton, CA. The School of Ministry and the Office of Deacon Formation have had a tremendous impact on our faith development, and we continue to grow, understanding that faith development is a lifelong journey. Each of us have unique God given talents that we are called to discover, embrace and share with everyone we come in contact with. Our participation in the School of Ministry and the Deacon Formation Program have increased our understanding to live life according to God's will, discerning what we are called to do, and to boldly answer His call.” Armando D. Moreno
Your gift to the Bishop’s Ministry Appeal Trust supports faith formation ministries and makes religious education classes possible for the benefit of people like Judith Ann Crary and the children and families who are served by Religious Education and Training. “As One” we teach an estimated 18,000 children who are enrolled in religious education/faith formation programs each year throughout the diocese.
“The community at All Saints University Parish has been extremely supportive of the Bishop’s Ministry Appeal this year and in past years as well. We fully realize that we play an important role in doing our part to keep the Diocese of Stockton and its ministries alive and well. We are very excited about going above and beyond our goal so that we can support our own building fund and future parish expansion.”
Pastor – Fr. Matthew O’Donnell, All Saints University Parish-Turlock
“In the last few years the BMA has allowed us to minister to the poor through the We Care Winter Shelter for men in Turlock. Serving the needy has been an added motivation for parishioners to give to the BMA. This past year we were able to help the shelter to stay open over 2 weeks more than otherwise possible. Our families have also become active in helping with meals and security. We feel blessed as we reach out to a hurting world."
Pastor – Fr. Manuel Fontes Sousa, Our Lady of Assumption Church, Turlock
“St. Anne’s is deeply grateful for the generous support that our Parish receives from the Bishop’s Ministry Appeal. Diocesan ministries like the Office of Religious Education, Office for the Sacred Liturgy, the Tribunal and others, help us to serve our people well. In addition, St. Anne’s is particularly grateful for the annual appeal because every dollar over goal comes back to our Parish and our homeless mother drop in center, St. Anne’s Place. Thank you to all the generous people of the Diocese for your support of the Bishop’s Ministry Appeal!”
Pastor – Fr. Brandon Ware, St. Anne Church, Lodi
“The BMA directly benefits St. Anthony’s, Manteca by enabling us to educate our Religious Education teachers and our faith formation coordinator. The funds collected over goal will enable us to purchase a baby grand piano for Masses, new albs for our altar servers and a new chasuble with the image of Our Lady of Guadalupe for the priest to wear at Marian Masses.”
Pastor – Fr. Pat Walker, St. Anthony of Padua, Manteca
“The generosity of our parishioners towards the BMA is allowing us to receive a rebate back to our parish that will be applied towards paying off the debt of our Holy Family Center.”
Retired Pastor – Msgr. Ivo Rocha, St. Bernard Church, Trac