"May God bring the good work begun
in our Synod come to fruitful
implementation in the sanctification
of our people and the transformation
of our world."
– Bishop Stephen E. Blaire
We will communicate with all people in a clear, timely and engaging manner, using available methods. We will provide opportunities for response and dialogue to create a strong sense of belonging to the Church.
We will create a community in which members know and love one another and celebrate the rich diversity of all peoples because as a Church we are one in Christ Jesus.
We will live our Baptism by integrating our faith into our daily lives through purposeful, lifelong learning and prayer. This will lead us to deeper engagement with Christ and develop a vibrant, active community of disciples that radiates God’s love, justice, and truth to the world.
We will foster, strengthen and support the unity of the family, rooted in the Gospel message of love that reflects Christ’s mission and transforms the world.
In thanksgiving for God’s abundant blessings, we will promote transparent financial accountability through clear, open and timely communication among clergy and laity that leads to a culture of stewardship, fidelity and discipleship.
We will encourage responsible lay and ordained leadership that models Jesus, the servant leader, that strengthens commitment in the community, and unifies the people of God in proclaiming the Kingdom. We will identify and nurture the gifts and talents of all people and promote ongoing conversion through leadership training and pastoral formation.
We will faithfully participate in the Church’s liturgical life as the worship of God. We will celebrate liturgies that inspire, unite and transform us to carry out our baptismal mission to “advance the peace and salvation of all the world,” mirroring the zeal, energy and heart of Jesus.
Formed by our ongoing engagement with Scripture, tradition and Catholic social teaching, we will promote the common good by safeguarding and advancing the dignity of every human being and of all God’s creation.
We will develop new ways to invite others to follow Christ with us. We will create an atmosphere of belonging, love and healing in our multi-cultural Church through our unity and joyful, unselfish service to all, in the image of the living Christ.
We will create the structures that support and encourage the participation of young people of all cultures. Through unity, education and spiritual growth, young people will be enabled to become passionate and active participants and leaders in our church community, evangelizers and builders of the Kingdom of God.